The best bookmakers. Rating of bookmakers for sports betting
Total bookmakers in the database: 2

BC GGbet

Bookmaker GGbet

Welcome bonus for registration


BM Mostbet

Bookmaker Mostbet

125% bonus for new players

Bookmaker rating

The best bookmakers in Russia, Ukraine and the world are presented on this page in our rating. This TOP was compiled taking into account many parameters, including margins, odds, variety of bets and feedback from players. By studying our reviews, players will be able to find the most honest bookmakers that suit them in all respects.

How is the rating of bookmakers formed?

Today, the number of companies whose job is to check the betting shops and collect their ratings is constantly growing. New betting shops appear on the Internet, and users want to know whether they are worth trusting. To help the players, we have compiled the TOP bookmakers, which we constantly update by adding honest and reliable sites to it.

On the website of Igrovoi Klub, we create our true rating of bookmakers taking into consideration several important parameters.

  • By license. Our TOP bookmakers list consists only of legal offices with all relevant permits for providing their services. This guarantees their reliability and honesty to users.
  • By coefficients. Consider the margin, which means a fraction of the accepted bet. 3-5% for pre-match and 5-7% for live predictions is considered optimal. But it is important to take into account quotes for different sports.
  • By lines and bets. Popular betting shops allow you to place bets on many sports, including football, hockey, eSports and others. It’s important to consider the variety of tournaments: world, regional, local. As a matter of fact, is it possible to bet on surebets, cards, players and more.
  • By the availability of a Live section. Not all bookmaker offices support live games. because to maintain live betting, quotes must be updated quickly, and if the company accepts bets with a delay, this may lead to the fact that the user doesn’t have time to make his forecast.
  • By withdrawal payments. It’s important to study this parameter before yusing the site. When taking into account the procedure of withdrawing funds, players can understand how fast the process is, which payment systems are supported, and what commission is charged.
  • For additional offers. Sites with bonuses make games more exciting for users. So, they can differ, but they always attract players. Special offers can be regular or one-time.
  • By reliability. A good website should conduct its business honestly and openly. Thus, it must be licensed, so the user can be confident in the bookmaker.

We have presented the TOP bookmakers, taking into account all these parameters, as well as the additional functionality of the sites, their special offers. The stability of the site, the work of the support service and user ratings are also taken into account.

The best bookmakers – our current rating of bookmakers

The quality of games for the user depends on the correct choice of the company. Therefore, it is important to trust only reliable sites. This page shows legal offices, whose activities are controlled by relevant jurisdictions. The chosen websites are suitable for professionals and beginners. If you are currently interested in free casino tournaments, on the page of Igrovoi Klub there’s a possibility to get acquainted with the ongoing events of popular clubs.

Study the rating of bookmakers and free slots games, choose an honest and reliable site for your sports bettings and forecasts.

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